Infertility is the inability of a person to reproduce by natural means. It describes a woman who is unable to conceive as well as being unable to carry a pregnancy to full term.
There are many biological and other causes of infertility, including some that medical intervention can treat. About 40% of infertility issues are due to the man, another 40% due to the woman, 20% result from complications with both partners.

Prolapse of Pelvic Organs
Prolapse, literally means "to fall out of place". It is a condition where organs, such as the uterus or vagina, fall down, slip out of place, or protrude through the vagina.
Prolapse of the uterus results in an inferior extension of the organ into the vagina caused by weakened pelvic muscles.

Menorrhagia/Heavy Menstrual Periods
Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at regular intervals. It can be caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus. Depending upon the cause, it may be associated with abnormally painful periods. Fibroids can cause menorrhagia.

Infections (of the vagina, cervix, and uterus)
Infections are caused by infectious agents such as viruses, microorganisms, bacteria, roundworms, pinworms, ticks, mites, fleas, lice, fungi, ringworm, tapeworms.
Infection-specific pharmaceutical drugs are used to treat infections - antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiprotozoals, antihelminthics.